Wednesday 20 January 2010

Job Interviews Made Easy And Stressfree

Enjoy job Interview Success With This Interview System! Download Now!
It takes a good impression to be remembered, let alone be hired. Yet most of us fail to nail that afternoon "date" with the big boss that will determine whether or not you'll be called out to be one of them. And by "date", I meant a job interview. Yes, The grueling hours of non stop question and answer portions that opposite to a real date, is NEVER romantic. Your heartbeat races not because of the thrill of meeting the girl of your dreams, but because of major anxiety. Palms become sweaty everything moves in slow motion and seems to last forever. After the session is done, the anxiety can last and will leave you wondering whether or not you nailed it. To some, It is life or death decision. To others, it is as easy as pie. So how you nail a job interview without breaking as sweat?

A job interview as a formal meeting set by an employer to meet an employee to see whether he or she is qualified enough to work in a given company. It also helps the employee to get an idea of what to expect in a given workplace. Many fail a job interview simply because of the anxiety, nervousness and awkwoodness they are showing or maybe because of some other factors like unfulfilled qualifications or different expectations. But among all these factors. Non verbal cues are the most dense. They can either create a pleasant impact or dislike.

By following these tips for a job interview, you are likely to increase your chances of getting hired.

1) Practice answering some common interview questions. Anticipate some common questions employers are likely to ask. NEVER memorize answers. Make answering as spontaneous as you possibly can.

2) Think of the Interview as a casual conversation. Relax, takes deep breaths if you have to and sell your skills to your employer.

3) Show up early. People who are tardy are more likely to be tossed out the window. Nobody wants a procrastinator in the office, and diligence speaks for itself

4) Smile and hold a firm grip during a handshake. This indicates eagerness and willingness to learn.

5) Wear neat clothes (IE a nice shirt or blouse, nice trousers and nice shoes). Being tidy reflects a neat job.

6) It takes a professional to be a professional. Shoulders back, streight back, stand proud and think of yourself as a pro. This creates a good impact that reflects efficiency, and professionalism.

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